End of SNAP Emergency Food Benefits and Emergency Medicaid Coverage May Affect Thousands of City of Alexandria Residents
For Immediate Release, January 11, 2023
During the COVID-19 public health emergency, many individuals receiving SNAP food assistance received temporary increased food benefits, and anyone without health insurance was eligible to receive Medicaid, regardless of their income or citizenship status.
February 2023 will be the last payment of the emergency food benefits, and as a result, in March 2023 approximately 3,845 Alexandria households will see their SNAP benefits decrease. If a beneficiary’s income or number of household members has changed, they should email DCHSPublicBenefits@alexandriava.gov.
Beneficiaries with questions about their benefits may call 855.635.4370 or visit the Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) at 2525 Mount Vernon Avenue or at 4850 Mark Center, Floor 5.
In addition to SNAP changes, the emergency Medicaid coverage-- provided to any individual in need of health insurance during the pandemic-- will end in February, requiring all Medicaid recipients to undergo reevaluation of their Medicaid coverage under the Medicaid eligibility criterion.
DCHS anticipates that 6,549 Alexandrians receiving Medicaid will lose coverage in the eligibility redetermination process due to their income or citizenship status.
The DCHS Benefits Division will mail a Notice of Action statement to all SNAP beneficiaries, with steps to appeal, and a notice to all individuals who are no longer eligible for Medicaid, with guidance on how to access the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace.
For assistance with food, health care, childcare and other benefits, visit www.alexandriava.gov/go/3187. For immediate local food resources, visit alexandriava.gov/go/2334, hungerfreealexandria.com or ALIVE!-inc.org.
For inquiries from the news media only, please contact Patrick Okoronkwo, DCHS Benefits Division Chief, at patrick.okoronkwo@alexandriava.gov or 703.746.5749.
This news release is available at alexandriava.gov/go/4221