City of Alexandria Releases Potomac Yard Entertainment District Impact Study
Today, the City of Alexandria released the Potomac Yard Economic and Fiscal Impact Study, prepared for the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership by HR&A Advisors (HR&A).
The purpose of the study was to assess both the economic and fiscal impacts of planned development at the Potomac Yard site, with a particular focus on the difference in impact between two potential development scenarios, one of which includes a new arena and accelerated development of a sports and entertainment district alongside it.
Featured in the analysis package are the following items:
HR&A analysis, with limited redactions.
CSL International events support letter.
The City remains committed to providing facts and information to our community to consider economic development projects based on their merits and facts, considering the benefits of proposals and what they bring to our community.
While the information presented is technical in nature, we encourage community members and those who are interested in the progress of this initiative to read through the documents and participate in the upcoming City-hosted community engagement opportunities to share your thoughts and continue to ask questions.
For more information on the Potomac Yard Entertainment District, visit
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